Single species action plan for the conservation of the Obô Snail Archachatina bicarinata 2021-2025

Domingo, 08 de Novembro de 2020

This document has been reviewed and endorsed by the Atlantic Island Invertebrate Specialist Group (MAIISG) - part of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is available to download via the MAIISG website: The recommended citation is as follows:

Panisi, M., Sinclair, F. & Santos, Y. (2020). Single species action plan for the conservation of the Obô Giant Snail Archachatina bicarinata, 2021-2025. IUCN SSC Atlantic Island Invertebrate Specialist Group. (English Version)




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How many endemic species of arthropods are in Azores?

There are about 250 arthropod species and subespecies endemic to Azores. See also 

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