Back • Andrena sagittaria Warncke, 1968
Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Roberts, S.
Scheuchl, E., Nieto, A. & García, M.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is listed as Data Deficient as there is no information on population size or trends, habitat, ecology, or threats. Further research may increase the threat status of this species, which is restricted to the Canary Islands in Spain, and has a relatively small extent of occurrence (EOO) and a smaller area of occupancy (AOO).
Andrena sagittaria is endemic to Tenerife and La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain) (Kuhlmann et. al 2013).
There are few details of habitat or ecology of this species. However, since Andrena sagittaria belongs to the sub-genus Chlorandrena, it will be a specialist forager on various Asteraceae flowers.
The species is not listed on any National Red Lists or Red Data Books and is not the subject of any targeted conservation action. It is not known if the species is found in any protected areas throughout its range. Further research should be conducted to determine the population size and trends, habitat and ecology, and threats to the species.