Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira
Albrecht, C. & Seddon, M.B.
Cameron, R., Groh, K., Aldridge, D., Cuttelod, A. & Nichols, C.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is abundant on the island of Madeira, and as such may merit a conservation status of Least Concern (LC), but given the taxonomic uncertainty of the species, it is listed as Data Deficient (DD), pending further research. If it is considered a distinct species it should be listed as Least Concern (LC). If it is considered to be part of a more widespread species, it should also be listed as Least Concern (LC).
According to Fauna Europea (Bank et al. 2006) this species is endemic to the Madeiran Islands (Portugal) where it is restricted to the main island of Madeira. On Madeira a freshwater limpet is found widely around the island (Seddon pers. comm. 2010).
Although the taxonomic status of these populations is uncertain, the population status is considered stable as plenty of habitat is present on the island.
This species is often found on grasses in the spray zone of waterfalls, as well as on rocks in rivers.
There are no specific threats to this species, as it is widespread in suitable habitats on the island.
This species requires a full taxonomic review to determine its status as a distinct species. However, no actions are necessary to conserve the population as the species is widespread and abundant in suitable habitats.