Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Roberts, S. & de Meulemeester, T.
García, M., Scheuchl, E., Nieto, A. & Kemp, J.R.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Listed as Data Deficient as there is little or no information on population size, trends and habitats of the species. Further research is needed to establish the status of this species throughout its range.
Andrena (Taeniandrena) chalcogastra is endemic to the Canary Islands. This species occurs in the four western Islands (La Palma, La Gomera, Tenerife and Gran Canaria) (Gusenleitner and Schwarz 2002).
Andrena chalcogastra is a bivoltine species, in that it has two generation per year, that flies from January to April and from May to July (Warncke 1968). Males have been recorded visiting: Asteraceae (Calendula arvensis, Launaea arborescens, Sonchus canariensis, Tolpis laciniata), Boraginaceae (Echium aculeatum, Echium auberianum), Brassicaceae (Descurainia bourgeauana, Hirschfeldia incana), Ericaceae (Erica arborea) and Fabaceae (Chamaecytisus proliferus, Lotus sp., Spartocytisus supranubius). The females have been recorded on Boraginaceae (Echium auberianum), Brassicaceae (Erysimum scoparium), Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia obtusifolia) and Fabaceae (Chamaecytisus proliferus, Lotus campylocladus, Spartocytisus supranubius) (Hohmann et al. 1993). There is no information available for the habitats of this species although it can be assumed to occur on Mediterranean-type shrubland.
This species is only known from a small area, within which it is presumably threatened to some degree by habitat loss from general conversion of land to intensive agricultural use or through tourist infrastructure development.
The species is not listed on any National Red Lists or Red Data Books and is not the subject of any targeted conservation action. It is not known if the species is found in any protected areas. Further research is needed to establish the population size, trends and habitats of the species.