Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Azores
Paulo A.V. Borges
Rui Miguel Ricardo Nunes
Danielczak, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Aphaniosoma azoricum is an endemic species of the Azores (Portugal), being present on Flores, Faial, S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel islands. From the historical data, this species had a relatively small Extent of Occurrence (14,022 km2), and a small Area of Occupancy (48 km2). This species was described from several disturbed sites, and it is possible that this species has declined in the past as a result of human activity. The present situation of this species needs to be further assessed, though, and further research is needed into its population, distribution, threats, ecology and life history. However, despite the incomplete knowledge regarding this species population, distribution, threats and ecology, this species is unlikely to warrant listing under the most threatened Red List categories. Pending further information, the number of locations could be said to be relatively small, and so the species can be precautionarily assessed as Near Threatened. Conservation of native forests and vegetation, native wet and boggy areas and natural streams and other water bodies could potentially aid this species' conservation.
Aphaniosoma azoricum is an Azorean-endemic species, described from the islands of Flores, Faial, S. Jorge, Terceira and S. Miguel (Azores, Portugal) (Borges et al. 2010). Based on the historical data (Frey 1945), the Extent of Occurrence (EOO) would be ca 14,022 km² and the Area of Occupancy (AOO) would be ca 48 km².
Currently no population size estimates are known for this species. Current Population Trend: Unknown.
The ecology and traits of this species are unknown, and the biology and ecology of Chyromyidae is in general poorly known, with some species having been reared from birds' nests or from wood debris of hollow trees (McAlpine et al. 1987) or from mammal burrows and firewood. Other species of the genus Aphaniosoma apparently frequent grasses and sedges on seashores and around alkaline or saline ponds and lakes (McAlpine et al. 1987). From the description, this species was collected in disturbed areas, in some sites near streams and other wet areas. Systems: Terrestrial.
A lack of information regarding the present status of this species precludes an assessment of potential threats. Nevertheless, from the scarce existing information regarding the ecology of other members of the Chyromyidae family, it is possible that this species might be affected by future habitat declines as a consequence of climate change (Ferreira et al., 2016) and increased droughts. The species was described from several disturbed and urbanised areas, and it is likely that past and present human disturbance and land use changes might have also affected this species.
The species is not protected by regional law. The present situation of this species needs to be further assessed, and further research is needed into its population, distribution, threats, ecology and life history. From what is known of its habitat preferences, conservation of native habitats and of natural water bodies could potentially aid this species' conservation. Historically at least, this species was present in one area that is currently highly disturbed, but included in the Natural Park of S. Miguel.