Hochkirch, A. & Schulte-Middelmann, T.
Odé, B. & García, M.
Jakobs, D. & Kranz, M.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
The Tenerife Short-winged Bush-cricket (Ariagona margaritae) is endemic to the Canary Islands. It has a small extent of occurrence (EOO) of c. 3,000 km², and the area of occupancy (AOO) is 150 - 300 km². The population is severely fragmented, but it is currently unknown whether there is any continuing decline in the number of subpopulations or individuals or whether the populations fluctuate severely. Therefore, the species is assessed as Near Threatened as it is close to qualify as threatened under Criterion B. Further research is needed concerning its taxonomy, as unique species may occur on La Gomera and El Hierro. Moreover, there is a need for research on its population trend, ecology and threats.
This species has been reported from Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) (Bland et al. 1996). Recent studies suggest that the subpopulations on La Gomera and El Hierro may represent unique species (H. López pers. comm. 2015). The extent of occurrence (EOO) is c. 3,000 km², while its area of occupancy (AOO) based upon the known records is ca 150 km² with a maximum estimate of 300 km².
The subpopulations of this species are usually very small. The species is flightless and colonisation of new or extinct sites is very unlikely. Therefore, the population is considered severely fragmented. Its population trend is unknown.
The species occurs at grass-rich forest edges. It does not seem to be very specialised concerning the quality of the forest habitat. Its altitudinal range is 700 - 1,400 m.
This species occurs at forest edges, which are threatened by ongoing urbanisation and rural development in northern Tenerife. Wildfires may also pose a potential threat to this species, together with volcanic eruptions and landslides.
No specific conservation action is in place for this species. However, some subpopulations occur in nature reserves. Research is needed concerning its taxonomy (as more than one Ariagona species may occur on the Canary Islands). Furthermore, there is a need for research on its population trend, ecology and threats.