Back • Craspedopoma neritoides (Lowe, 1860)
Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira
Seddon, M.
Cameron, R., Groh, K. & Cuttelod, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Seddon (2008) assessed this species as Near Threatened (version 3.1) noting that species meets the range criteria for Vulnerable B1, but the presence in suitable habitats in at least 10 different valleys on the island in habitats that are protected, suggests that a lower category is merited for the species, as only the coastal habitats show signs of habitat degradation. Hence given the presence in these valleys throughout northern Madeira and the low level of threats, the species is given a revised assessment as Least Concern (LC).
This species is found in the Madeiran islands where it is only known living on the northern side of Madeira and in the central valleys at intermediate elevations in suitable habitats in at least 10 different valleys.
This species is present in suitable habitats in at least 10 different valleys on the island in habitats that are protected, which suggests that it is reasonably widespread.
The species is found at low and intermediate elevations into the laurisilva zone. It is found in damp, shaded wooded areas amongst leaf-litter and mosses. Sometimes at the base of ferns and on wet grasses.
The inland sites are fairly intact, with only the coastal habitats show signs of habitat degradation. This is due to urbanisation, clearance and disturbance along the roadsides.
The species is found in protected areas, although there are no specific action plans for this species. The sites near the coast are not protected, although the inland sites are sufficient at present, to protect the species from extinction.