Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira
Seddon, M.B.
Cameron, R., Groh, K., Cuttelod, A. & Neubert, E.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
The species is restricted to a single island, with an area of occupancy of less than 12 km². It is known at 6-10 locations (14 sites) and most of the recent records are from slopes, hill-tops and ridges within small region at east end of Porto Santo suggesting that the species could be vulnerable to changes in land-use or extensive fire damage. The presence of some locations separated from the main cluster of locations has given the revised listing of Near Threatened. The rate of habitat decline is considered to be slow, so if this accelerates, then the species would qualify for Vulnerable (VU) B2ab(iii).
This species is endemic to Porto Santo (Madeiran islands), and is also known as fossil on Ilheu de Baixo. It is present at 14 sites within a restricted area of occupancy of less than 12 km².
There are no data on recent population trends.
This species is found in rock crevices, amongst stems of shrubby plants and under stones.
The major threats are from grassland fires disturbing the habitat and killing off the adults within these populations.
The species range lies partly in a protected area on Porto Santo; further research required on population trends and impact of introduced rodents.