Back • Hemicycla pouchadan Ibanez & Alonso, 2007
Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Groh, K.
Seddon, M.B., Neubert, E. & Cuttelod, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is found on the edge of the city of Santa Cruz and has a severely fragmented and restricted range. It is known from only six locations. This species is assumed to be declining based on the decline of the area of occupancy due to urbanisation, as well as quarrying close to the city for building stone, road construction. This species is hence listed as Endangered (EN) B2ab(iii).
This species is endemic to the lowlands of northeastern Tenerife around Santa Cruz, Canary Islands (Spain).
This species is declining based area of occupancy which has declined.
This species occurs in dry open areas of degraded lowland vegetation of Piso Basa, typical canary island vegetation (Ibanez and Alonso 2007).
This species is declining due to urbanisation, as well as quarrying close to the city for building stone, road construction.
Moliner Gomez (2001) note that this species was listed on the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable A1c (Groombridge 1996) noting that a small area was occupied by this species and that the habitat was in need to protection. The species requires protection of the habitat as well as restoration of habitats to lessen the impact of fragmentation.