Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira
Roberts, S. & García, M.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Listed as Least Concern as the species is common on the Madeira island group, has a broad tolerance of habitats and there are no clear threats to the species. Despite the fact that this species is listed as Least Concern, data are still very much lacking and research should be conducted to determine the population trends and any future threats to the species as it is endemic to Madeira and Porto Santo.
The species is endemic to the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo (Cockerell 1922). The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 894 km² and the area of occupancy (AOO) is 28 km².
The species is considered to be quite common on these islands (Fellendorf et al.1999). There is no further information available for the population size and trend of this species.
The species inhabits a suite of Macaronesian sub-tropical habitats, being found in open bare areas and sand dunes (Fellendorf et al. 1999). The nests are constructed in loose aggregations in bare ground. The details on the social status of this species are not available. It is almost certainly a polylectic species, in that it prefers to forage upon a wide range of flowering plants species. The details of pollen gathering are lacking but the following are recorded as forage plants: Euphorbia paralias (Euphorbiaceae) and Aeonium glutinosum (Crassulaceae) (Fellendorf et al. 1999).
Lasioglossum wollastoni is probably univoltine (it has one generation per year), but with year round activity. The specimens are known from January and February, and from May to September. It almost certainly flies in March and April, although records are lacking.
There are no clear threats to this species.
The species is not listed in any National Red Lists or Red Data Books. It is unknown whether it occurs within any protected areas. Further research should be conducted to determine the population size, trends, further details of the habitat and ecology, and future threats.