Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Groh, K. & Neubert, E.
Temple, H.J. & Cuttelod, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is relatively widespread on Tenerife, and there is no known major threat to the whole population of this species. It is therefore considered to be Least Concern (LC).
This species is endemic to the southeastern coast of the island of Tenerife. This species is recorded from 19 locations and 32 sites.
The population size is supposed to be slightly declining due to its presence in expanding industrial and urban areas.
This species lives in the dry temperate shrub vegetation (Piso basal).
Some subpopulations are affected by destruction of the habitat by urbanisation, road construction or by other reasons. However the destruction of the entire habitat is not very likely.
A few subpopulations are under local conservation schemes.