Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Groh, K. & Alonso, M.R.
Neubert, E., Seddon, M.B. & Cuttelod, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is endemic to Tenerife in the valley of Guimar, where it is considered to be threatened as it has a small range (4 locations with an area of occupancy of 12 km2), with threats from habitat degradation, due to forest exploitation and as such it is considered to be Endangered (EN) B2ab(iii).
This species is endemic to the Canary Islands where it is found on Tenerife in the valley of Guimar.
This species is very rare (only 16 specimen have been collected in 4 years, only two of them alive).
This species is present in the "piso basal", typical vegetation of lowland canary islands and degraded lowland forest.
This species is present in degraded forest, so it is assumed that the threats in the three sites are related to forest exploitation. The area where it occurs (valley of Guimar) is much affected by the various activities of the nearby human population.
This species is vulnerable to disturbance, and as such was listed as Vulnerable by Moliner Gomez et al. (2001). Restoration of habitat and protection of the inhabited area would benefit this species.