Back • Napaeus ornamentatus Moro, 2009
Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Groh, K. & Neubert, E.
Temple, H.J. & Cuttelod, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is known from six locations in the western parts of La Gomera, and has an extent of occurrence estimated at 100 km2 and an area of occupancy estimated at 24 km2. The centre of distribution of this species is around or in Valle Gran Rey, which is steadily increasing in size, so destruction of habitat is foreseeable. Consequently the species is listed as Vulnerable (VU) under Criterion B.
This species is endemic to the western parts of the island of La Gomera. This species is recorded from six locations and 11 sites.
There are no data on the population size or trend.
This species lives in dry temperate shrub vegetation (Piso basal).
The centre of distribution of this species is around or in Valle Gran Rey. This municipality is steadily increasing in size, so destruction of habitat is foreseeable.
Small parts of the subpopulations are under local conservation schemes. The subpopulations need to be surveyed, and any decline in habitat quantity and quality requires a re-evaluation of its conservation status.