Back • Osmia larochei Tkalců, 1993
Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Lhomme, P.
Michez, D., Kemp, J.R. & Nieto, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Listed as Data Deficient as there is little or no information available on the population size, trends, habitat, ecology and threats to the species. Research should be conducted in order to determine the status of this species.
Osmia larochei is endemic to the Canary Islands (Tkalcu 2000a).
This species possibly occurs in Mediterranean-type shrublands, although the habitat has not been described. The ecology of Osmia larochei is currently unknown.
The species is not listed in any National Red Lists or Red Data Books. It is unknown whether it occurs within any protected areas. Further research should be conducted to determine the population size and trends, habitat and ecology, and threats to the species.