Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira
Luis Crespo
Mario Boieiro
Paulo A.V. Borges
Pedro Cardoso
Silva, I.
Henriques, S. & Russell, N.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Pholcus dentatus is only known from two sites separated by 25 km in the northern coast of Madeira Island, Portugal. This species is assessed as Data Deficient (DD) due to the lack of knowledge on its distribution, ecology and possible threats. More research is needed in order to assess its extinction risk.
Pholcus dentatus is known from only two sites separated by 25 km in the northern coast of Madeira Island (Portugal) between 300 and 450 meters elevation, Fonte da Pedra and Ribeira da Janela (Wunderlich 1995). The species EOO and AOO are unknown.
There is no information available about population size or trends for the species.
The habitat of the species was never specified and is therefore unknown. The ecology of Pholcus dentatus is unknown but it is almost certainly a tangle-web builder feeding on small arthropods.
Possible threats to this species are unknown.
No specific conservation measures are in place for the species and it is not known to occur in any protected area. Basic information is needed on its distribution, ecology and possible threats.