Back • Plutonia ruivensis (A.A. Gould, 1847)
Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira
Seddon, M.B.
Groh, K., Cameron, R., Cuttelod, A. & Neubert, E.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
This species is assessed as Least Concern (LC). It has a restricted range, however it is known from at least 40 localities, hence does not meet the requirements for Vulnerable B1. It should be reviewed on a regular basis as the habitat may be susceptible to decline in quality with changing rainfall patterns, as the species require high humidity in the forests.
This species is endemic to the Madeiran islands where it is found in the laurisilva forest on Madeira only.
It is widespread in suitable habitats on central Madeira.
This is one of the larger of the Madeiran Plutonia. It is found at intermediate elevations, on ground or shaded crags, usually on leaves, mosses or trunks of trees in areas of high humidity (Seddon 2008).
The habitat quality is not declining at present throughout these regions, although there are localised decline due to changing forest type, outside the protected areas.
There are no conservation actions for this species. Proposed conservation actions would include further surveys to determine whether the species is till stable, and a habitat management plan will be required for the areas under fire damage which includes this species as the species still has a restricted range. Habitat monitoring would benefit this species, as it is close to meeting the threatened species criteria, and as a semi-slug species it is more vulnerable to changes in microc-climate, especially humidity. The species is found in Natura 2000 and UNESCO sites for "Laurisilva of Madeira', a Special Protected Area in the interior of Madeira.