Battiston, R., Amerini, R., Garcia Becerra, R. & Oromi, P.
Hochkirch, A. & Bushell, M.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
Pseudoyersinia teydeana is an endemic mantid of the Canary Islands. At present, most of its ecology is unknown and the taxonomy needs to be revised (Becerra and Oromi 1999, Becerra et al. 2001, Wieland et al. 2014). It is present in only one small subpopulation in a restricted area of the island of Tenerife and is linked to particular habitats and environmental conditions. The data available suggest that if any threats are discovered that this species may fall into a threatened category due to its extremely restricted distribution (AOO: 80-300 km² and EOO: 200-300 km²). Further field research is strongly encouraged in a near future. The scarcity of known records does not give sufficient information on possible threats and its conservation status. Therefore, the species is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).
Pseudoyersinia teydeana is an endemic species of the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands archipelago (Bercerra et al. 2001). Its area of occupancy (AOO) is 80 km² with an upper estimate of 300 km². Its extent of occurrence (EOO) is between 200 and 300 km².
A single subpopulation is known on the island of Tenerife (Bercerra et al. 2001). Even though the species has a very restricted distribution in the central part of Tenerife it seems relatively common, although never abundant.
It is usually found on scrubs and occasionally in the opens spaces of pine forest (Pinus canariensis Christ. Sm. ex DC) and on various plants such as pajonera grass (Bourgaeana descurainia Webb ex OE Schulz), rosalita (Pterocephalus lasiospermus Link ex Buch) and broom (Spartoeytisus supranubius (L.) Webb & Berth). This species is active virtually all year, although adults are scarce during the winter months and sporadic in the summer, possibly due to the harsh climatic conditions in its habitat. Females usually deposit oothecae under rocks (Bercerra et al. 2001).
Most of the ecology of this species is unknown. The taxonomy of the Amelinae is also problematic and need to be solved with further morphological and molecular research (Battiston et al. 2010, Wieland et al. 2014). Research on this species is strongly encouraged to understand its ecology and threats, which are at present practically unknown.