Back • Theba clausoinflata (Mousson, 1857)
Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Groh, K. & Neubert, E.
Cuttelod, A. & Bilz, M.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
T. clausoinflata is only known from two locations from the Jandia Island on Fuerteventura. More information on population trends and habitat type, a well as the threats is required. There are no threats known for this species, therefore it is listed as Near Threatened (NT), almost meeting criteria B, because of its very limited range.
T. clausoinflata is found in the Canary Islands. It was desribed by Mousson from Fuerteventura and Tenerife, but is only confirmed for the latter island, where it is supposed to occur probably in a small area on the Jandia penisula (Greve et al. 2010)
There are no data on the population size or trend.
This species lives in the dry temperate shrub vegetation (Piso basal).
There are no threats known to this species.
There is no conservation action in place for this species.