Back • Napaeus procerus Emerson, 2006
Countries of Occurrence:
Spain - Canaries
Groh, K. & Neubert, E.
Temple, H.J. & Cuttelod, A.
Facilitators / Compilers/s:
The species has an extremely restricted area of occupancy (4 km2) and is known from only one location. No threats to the species are known, and the entire distribution is under local conservation schemes. There is no information on population trend. It is therefore considered as Near Threatened (NT). If there was evidence to suggest a continuing decline, the species would qualify as Critically Endangered under Criterion B, so vigilance is needed.
This species is endemic to the eastern parts of the island of La Gomera. This species is recorded from one location (comprising two sites in close proximity to each other).
There are no data on the population size or trend.
This species lives in dry temperate shrub vegetation (Piso basal).
There are no threats to this species known.
The complete distribution area of this species is under local conservation schemes.