
BackTyphochrestus madeirensis Crespo, 2013

Typhochrestus madeirensis Crespo, 2013

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family:
LC Least Concern
IUCN Red List Status:

Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Madeira


Henriques, S. & Russell, N.


Facilitators / Compilers/s:

Assessment Rationale:

Typhochrestus madeirensis is living on relatively high-altitude open areas across Madeira, Deserta Grande and Bugio (Portugal). This species has a restricted geographic range with a maximum estimate of extent of occurrence (EOO) of ca 1,400 km² and area of occupancy (AOO) of ca 700 km². However, Typhochrestus madeirensisis assessed as Least Concern (LC), since the species seems to be able to live on different open habitat patches across different islands and the population is therefore assumed to be stable. A monitoring of population trends should be conducted to confirm species status.

Geographic Range:

Typhochrestus madeirensis lives on relatively high-altitude open areas across Madeira (Paúl da Serra and the region between the highest mountain peaks), Deserta Grande (south plateau) and Bugio (south and north plateaus), Portugal (Crespo et al. 2013, Crespo et al. 2014). It was possible to perform species distribution modelling to predict its potential range with confidence limits (Cardoso et al. 2017).

Portugal - Madeira
Extent of Occurrence (EOO):
372-1397,568 (km2)
Area of Occupancy (AOO):
20-656,64 (km2)
Elevation Lower Limit:
300 (m)
Elevation Upper Limit:
1750 (m)
Biogeographic Realms:
Endemic Madeira


No population size estimates exist, but the population is assumed to be stable.

Habitat and Ecology

The species seems to be able to live within different open habitat types, including grassland and rocky mountain peaks. Typhochrestus madeirensis lives at ground level, probably actively hunting for small insects.

Major Threat(s):

There are no known threats to the species.

Conservation Actions

No specific conservation measures are in place for this species, but most of the known species range is inside protected areas. Monitoring of population trends should be conducted to confirm species status.