
BackPunctum azoricum De Winter, 1988

Punctum azoricum De Winter, 1988


  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum:
  • Class: Mollusca
  • Order: Gastropoda
  • Family: Punctidae
LC Least Concern
IUCN Red List Status:

Countries of Occurrence:
Portugal - Azores


Groh, K., Teixeira, D., Neubert, E. & Allen, D.J.


Facilitators / Compilers/s:

Assessment Rationale:

This species is endemic to the Azores Archipelago (Portugal), where it is recorded from all of the islands, other than Corvo, and hence is considered to be widespread. The species is recorded more frequently in forests, but is tolerant of disturbed habitats and open country. As such, given the widespread range and tolerance of different habitats, the species is assessed as Least Concern (LC). 

Geographic Range:

This species is endemic to the Azores Archipelago (Portugal), in the Atlantic Ocean. It is recorded from all of the islands (Graciosa, Terceira, Picos, Sao Jorge, Faial, Sao Miguel and Santa Maria), other than Corvo, and hence is considered to be widespread (Frias Martins 2008, R.A.D. Cameron pers. comm. 2016). A. Frias Martins (pers. comm. 2016) also reports it from Corvo.

Portugal - Azores
Extent of Occurrence (EOO):
75000-100000 (km2)
Area of Occupancy (AOO):
Elevation Lower Limit:
Elevation Upper Limit:
Biogeographic Realms:
Endemic Azores


The species is often abundant in suitable habitats (R.A.D. Cameron pers. comm. 2016).

Current Population Trend: Stable

Habitat and Ecology

Cameron et al. (2008) noted that the species was widespread on Santa Maria, mainly found in forested areas, but also recorded in disturbed habitats and open country. Winter (1988) found it on Pittosporum forests, at Feteiras (Sao Miguel), while Lourenco and Martins (2005) recorded the species at Graciosa on mixed vegetation areas covered by Persea indica forest and the introduced Eucalyptus globulus and Hedychium gardneranum (Kahili ginger).

Systems: Terrestrial 

Major Threat(s):

The species is tolerant of habitat disturbance and change and hence is not considered to be threatened by ongoing changes to habitats across the Azores.

Conservation Actions

There are no known conservation actions for this species and none are considered necessary.